Liquid Bandade formed in 1995 in the tiny basement of a run-down house in the Mt. View neighborhood of Anchorage, Alaska. The main band members are Trey Wolfe (guitar), Craig Coleman (drums), and Rex Ray (bass). Liquid Bandade self-released 1 full length cassette/CD (Hoist on Your Own Petard) and played a number of shows around the state of Alaska during the late 90's.

As of March 2009, Rex Ray lives in Seattle and has performed most recently with his band, Phobophobe. Trey Wolf, always the nomad, lives in Anchorage and/or Fairbanks where he performs with numerous band(s). Craig Coleman works as an actor in Los Angeles where he lives with his wife Karen and their daughter. All three LB members are still very active with creative projects and show little sign of ever slowing down.
